
Accentuation features

accentuation_feature(signal, fs[, sum_flag, …]) Compute accentuation feature from audio signal.
feature_normalization(feature, time, beats) Local amplitude normalization of the feature signal.
feature_time_quantize(feature, time, tatums) Time quantization of the feature signal to a tatum grid.

Feature maps

feature_map(feature, time, beats, downbeats) Compute feature map from accentuation feature signal.


spectrogram(signal, fs[, window_length, …]) Calculates the Short-Time Fourier Transform a signal.
melSpectrogram(in_spec, in_time, in_freq[, …]) This function converts a Spectrogram with linearly spaced frequency components to the Mel scale.


generate_tatum_grid(beats, downbeats, n_tatums) Generate tatum temporal grid from time instants of the tactus beats.
halfWaveRectification(in_signal) Half-wave rectifies features.
calculateDelta(in_signal[, delta_filter_length]) This function calculates the delta coefficients of a given feature.
sumFeatures(in_signal) This function sums all features along frames.